Monday, April 11, 2011

Raw "follows "the data from China this week

Silver has added another 30% during the first three months of the year compared with 3.5% gold. Moreover, according to Bloomberg, the physical volume of gold ownership fund ETF, which showed a peak in December last year, stayed in the past two months, about the same level, referring to the low willingness of investors to ride the last wave. For comparison, during the same period of ETF funds increased their physical possession of silver at 6.5%, reflecting the fact that the bulk of the dynamics of the gold was the result of external fluctuations, namely silver. This week is at risk of becoming a reversal for many commodity markets. Since China has published a whole bunch of news, including GDP and CPI. If the pace of growth this week will be higher, it will be an additional argument for the authorities in suppressing the growth of inflation, and affect many commodity markets.

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