Friday, September 17, 2010

U.S. CPI rose in line with the prediction, usd wins back slightly decrease

Consumer prices in the U.S. grew by 0.3% in August, reported Friday the Bureau of Statistics of Labor. Exactly such an increase economists had expected and at the same percentage increase was observed in the preceding month. Meanwhile, the core index, a calculation which does not participate price of food and energy, was unchanged in August, as well as in July. By year-end Core inflation remained unchanged for the past five consecutive months, accounting for 0,9%. Stability and demonstrates the overall annual inflation. Growth in August of 2009 is 1,1%, after 1,2% in July and 1.1% in June.
Such inflationary pressures can be considered very low, is more than half the target level of 2.0%, which is often before the crisis, said the regulator. And even more so below current guidelines, which say that to reduce the risk of zero interest rates, you must have a target inflation rate of 3 percent or more.
This statistic gives carte blanche to Ben Bernanke next week in increasing the money supply. Apparently, the 21-th of the Fed Reserve will not make concrete steps, but there is a chance (which grew markedly after the intervention of Japan), which will be announced how it would be stimulating. A pair euro / dollar, however, responded poorly to the publication. Moods bidders to adjust to reduce the dollar quickly returned to the site.

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