On the background of excessive global liquidity and rising commodity prices this year, the Caribbean and Latin America will show growth of about 4,7%. Previously predicted that GDP growth in these countries will not exceed 4%.
According to new projections, the leader in economic growth rate will be Peru and Argentina, where the figure will be respectively 7.5% and 6%. It will be followed Brazil, winner of the largest economies in the region where the growth rate of 4,5%. The IMF believes that economic growth in Mexico will amount to 4,6%. According to latest projections, in 2012 Brazil's economy will grow by 4.1%, and Mexico - 4%.
"Already the first signs of overheating", - says the IMF report. According to the IMF, at the same time remains high pressure from the demand side, many countries increased their lending. "We have said many times that the overheating of the economy is a big problem for the region, but we do not want to hear - the representative of the IMF. - Slowly begins to manifest dependence on foreign capital", - notes the expert.