In the world there are not many politicians who can boast of yet and the status of dollar billionaires. Looking back on Europe, to mind immediately comes Silvio Berlusconi. But in America there is a Berlusconi, whose name is Michael Bloomberg. This financial Mogul and a very successful mayor, beloved by all New Yorkers. The first confirms the fact that Bloomberg is one of the richest Americans in the list of Forbes. And about the success of Bloomberg as a politician says something that the city's legislative council of New York allowed him to run for mayor a third time in a row.
Work on the "Uncle" as a way to earn a starting capital
Michael Bloomberg was born February 14, 1942 in Boston. His parents, has never been a serious sufficiency - his father worked as an accountant and his mother was a secretary. That's why Michael had to earn money, a gas station to continue their studies at Johns Hopkins University. In 1964, the University was completed, and Michael became a BA in board technology. This was the beginning. Within two years, Bloomberg was a graduate of Harvard. He received his MBA, becoming a master of business administration. Ie Michael received an excellent education, which combines in itself, both technical and business part.
Having obtained the MBA, Bloomberg is arranged in the company Salomon Brothers, dealing finances. Here, Michael was fast enough to make a career. He became a full partner of the company (for it, its shares) and was appointed Head of Information Systems. This was done for a reason. According to their education, Michael is perfect for this post. For the simple reason that he was a geek. Fast enough unit Bloomberg began working at full capacity, but for a long time to reap the laurels of his success to Michael was not destined.
The thing is that Salomon Brothers had merger with Phibro, the then trade in oil, metal and various agricultural products. But any merger, as is known, involves retrenchment. Unfortunately, Bloomberg is just hit by a decline (albeit from a different point of view, he was too active, and simply did not accept the leadership of the new company).
Losing job is not introduced Bloomberg depression. Contrary. It opened up new opportunities. Michael knew where you can earn and appeared in his firm belief that he can do it. Fortunately, the initial capital for this was. You had only to sell shares of his former employer, which resulted in several million dollars.
Bloomberg's idea was to provide information services to companies related to finance. To do this, Michael organized his own company, invited three former employees of Salomon Brothers, been dismissed, as he did. Then the market a clear leader in this field was agency Reuters. But Bloomberg was an opportunity to outdo the brainchild of Julius Reuter. Brewing era of widespread computerization. And it was just to use the Revolution to the maximum advantage for themselves (in this case it is worth noting that Reuters was not a company that completely ignores the high technology, the agency would otherwise not flourish today).
So, in 1981, came into being a company Innovative Market Systems, which in future will be renamed Bloomberg LP. In this start-up capital of the company amounted to 10 million dollars. The idea was to provide a variety of business information companies, including financial. But this is not because the other companies at the time - chaotic, but structured, highlighting current trends.
The first customer of the company Michael Bloomberg became a well-known investment bank Merrill Lynch. In this story about how Bloomberg persuaded Merrill Lynch to become his client is a real business legend. Michael personally visited the office
of the investment bank, providing there is a business plan for their company. It is completely painted their future product, and then offered us a trial version to a Merrill Lynch estimated the potential offspring of Innovative Market Systems. That is the first information terminal Bloomberg was in the bank. Merrill Lynch both liked this device almost instantly collect information from the stock market that the bank decided to order 20 of these terminals.
So Michael Bloomberg has its first client, and ... investor. Soon Merrill Lynch will purchase 20% Innovative Market Systems for $ 30 million. The money would be an opportune moment for the company, as will accelerate development.
Probably worth noting about any terminal in question. You all can see them in photographs related to the stock market. Today, Bloomberg Professional terminals are present in virtually all financial companies that require such devices. This is to some extent a corporate standard, as Microsoft Windows operating systems on the market. The system showed the Bloomberg Professional eventually its reliability and functionality, thus confirming the highest quality produkta.Konechno, dissemination of business information is impossible without a serious state of journalists. To solve this problem Bloomberg signed an agreement with Dow Jones, according to which his company could use its network material from The Wall Street Journal. The alliance with Dow Jones lasted until 1990, when the latter unexpectedly canceled the contract. The reason no one knows yet. Whatever it was, but Bloomberg had to organize its editorial staff. Roughly speaking, it was necessary to hire people capable of writing.
For this task, Michael did it, drawing attention to youth. It was quite an unexpected turn. Bloomberg is no attempt to find experienced and expensive specialists and hiring talented graduates. Soon at Bloomberg LP appeared a huge staff, which now operate worldwide, providing its network with all necessary information.
The organization of the state demanded the introduction of new services. And they were not long in coming. Bloomberg bought the station opened its television channel on Finance and the web site, which today is the center of the world's financial analysts.
Gradually the company Bloomberg LP occupied an increasingly important place in the market of financial analysts. Today she has a strong position immediately in several directions. First, the company is Michael Bloomberg has a branch Bloomberg Professional, financial companies supplying its costly terminals (for the lease of such a device for one month will have to pay 1,5 thousand dollars). Secondly, the company has branch Bloomberg Television, is a major television network dedicated to finance. The company has its own publishing house, involved at the moment projects such as Bloomberg Press, Bloomberg Persona Finance and Bloomberg Markets. Is the empire of the current mayor of New York and its own radio, and even full-fledged news agency. And, of course, not forgotten, and the Internet, which dominates the resource Today, Bloomberg LP is a leading provider of financial news around the world. The company employs 9,500 people working in 130 cities.
In general, it is safe to say that Bloomberg's business is a success. But now Michael himself recently paid him less time. The reason is that the last 8 years his main activity is the management of one of the largest cities in the world - New York, the mayor of which he is.
Active Michael pays attention and charity. Over the past few decades, he was a member of numerous nonprofit organizations, and even served as chairman of the board in his native Johns Hopkins University.
Before the crisis, Michael Bloomberg held a 8-place in the list of richest Americans according to magazine Forbes, possessing a fortune of 20 billion dollars. The crisis, of course, impact on Bloomberg, but not as much as on other entrepreneurs. According to that same Forbes mayor of New York has lost $ 4 billion, but retained the 8-rank more affluent Americans.
I must say that Bloomberg immediately began to actively work as mayor and his first edicts was to put it mildly, not the most popular. So, he banned street vendors, smoking in public places (bars and cafes), reduced administration costs while increasing taxes. It seemed that the second term, he can not see, but the city's economy began to grow, crime decreased by 20%, and the situation in school education began to improve. In general, Bloomberg has shown that an excellent candidate and was elected to a second term.
During this time, Michael made sure that he had managed to balance the city budget and severely reduce the level of unemployment. The results were on the face. And because there is nothing surprising in the fact that the city's legislative council of New York allow Bloomberg to run for mayor a third time in a row. Why not?
It is a pity that in our country there is not such an alloy of politicians, entrepreneurs and public figure. Although the second and third already, but here with the first clearly have problems. Perhaps in the future the situation will change. At least we hope so. But Michael Bloomberg's wish for success and for the third time (you doubt that he is elected?).
Nursing Bloomberg's policy is not led to the fact that he was stopped doing business. Strategic decisions in his company, he continues to take on their own.