This is true for Ireland, where spreads widened another 60 basis points in German, bringing the yield of Irish 10-bee-entrance to 8,5%. The news that the Irish Government guarantee scheme extends to both private and corporate deposits has exacerbated the situation as it expands the government's commitment, which is already suffering from the cost recovery of the banking sector. Now the ECB looks like the only buyer of Irish securities, and there is talk about the salvation of Ireland or Resource Pack IMF Financial Stability (IMF rejects all about Ireland). Profitability of the Portuguese securities rose 30 basis points, despite some successes early in the day. Euro started the day well, but later weakened to the USD and JPY.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Strike holders peripheral euro area securities
This is true for Ireland, where spreads widened another 60 basis points in German, bringing the yield of Irish 10-bee-entrance to 8,5%. The news that the Irish Government guarantee scheme extends to both private and corporate deposits has exacerbated the situation as it expands the government's commitment, which is already suffering from the cost recovery of the banking sector. Now the ECB looks like the only buyer of Irish securities, and there is talk about the salvation of Ireland or Resource Pack IMF Financial Stability (IMF rejects all about Ireland). Profitability of the Portuguese securities rose 30 basis points, despite some successes early in the day. Euro started the day well, but later weakened to the USD and JPY.