Fears of a potential rate hike in China in the near future, explain the decline in the Shanghai Composite 5.2% for the night - the biggest daily drop in more than a year. Not surprisingly, these concerns have its greatest impact in Asia, where the Hang Seng fell 1.8%. Prices for raw materials fell down, and cotton, sugar and rubber worked daily rate of decline in China. The possibility of rate hikes in China and fears for the debts of Europe continue to have a noticeable effect on the currency, putting the dollar and the yen as a safe currency, forcing the euro to suffer, and the dependence on raw materials currencies such as AUD and CAD, - to fall sharply.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Fears of Chinese interest rates put pressure on stocks and higher-yielding currencies and raw materials
Fears of a potential rate hike in China in the near future, explain the decline in the Shanghai Composite 5.2% for the night - the biggest daily drop in more than a year. Not surprisingly, these concerns have its greatest impact in Asia, where the Hang Seng fell 1.8%. Prices for raw materials fell down, and cotton, sugar and rubber worked daily rate of decline in China. The possibility of rate hikes in China and fears for the debts of Europe continue to have a noticeable effect on the currency, putting the dollar and the yen as a safe currency, forcing the euro to suffer, and the dependence on raw materials currencies such as AUD and CAD, - to fall sharply.