According to the chairman of the Finance Committee Max Baukusa U.S., the bill on Chinese currency may take the approval of the Senate, and if that happens, then in future it will be sent to the president. The U.S. Treasury will publish its currency report on Friday. Until now, the report avoided the call China "currency manipulator", but the attitude of Washington towards this issue has clearly changed for the worse.
Yuan continues to rise, but very slowly. Despite the international political anger against the Chinese currency policy and, under fierce downward pressure the dollar, the Chinese authorities allow the yuan to rise only gradually. Night PBOC set the yuan at 6.6582, the highest level since July 2005, when an end peg to the dollar. On the futures market has grown twelve-month NDF by 0.3% to 6.4362, reflecting expectations that the yuan will rise to 3.4% next year. Despite the recent successes of the yuan against the dollar, other Asian currencies such as the Korean won, Singapore dollar and Thai baht, a growth of 6-7% against the Chinese currency since mid-year.
Prize for the renminbi in Hong Kong rose to 2.1%. They grow up amid expectations of inevitable future growth of the yuan, the difference in premiums between neofshornymi spot rate in Shanghai and the offshore courses in Hong Kong has continued to expand up to 2.1%. Last month, the average premium was at 0.5%.