Trade deficit in Britain stubbornly wide. Britain's trade deficit declined slightly in August to a deficit of £ 8,23 £ 8,67 billion from last month. Welcome contribution to the growth of the economy through foreign trade and remains an illusion: trade, seems to show very weak negative influence on growth in the third quarter. Terms of trade (the ratio between export and import prices) has also continued to deteriorate. Deteriorating terms of trade in any country a burden on the national income, reducing purchasing power. In recent months, falling terms of trade was one more challenge for Britain's economy.
In contrast, disinflation in most other developed countries, inflation in Britain remains high. Year to year, the index showed an increase in 3,1% in September. In this case, clothing and footwear showed a sharp increase in the next at 6,4% per month, as well as a rise in prices of 1.7% on household goods. In the coming months is unlikely to reduce inflation with higher prices for food and cotton, as well as the January tax increase VAT (analogue VAT) from 17,5% to 20,0%.