A pair of usd / cad rushed to the maxima of the day after a rather weak Canadian statistics. First, it is not justified by economists forecast in respect of capital inflows into the country. The data showed net purchases of Canadian securities in July of $ 5.5 billion, almost the same as the previous month (5.4 billion). Stability seems very comforting, because layout inside showed net sales of Canadian shares (ie the outflow of the commodity segment), but significantly increased the demand for state bonds. In parallel, there was a powerful strengthening of the Canadian dollar to the U.S. (better to say, the fall of the U.S. to a wide range of assets).
The news could be missed if it had not been reinforced by another. At the same time became aware of a small, at 0.1% drop in sales of wholesale warehouses. It rose by 0,5% stocks in warehouses. Although the ratio of stocks and sales did not go beyond secondary levels, attention is drawn to gradually downward trend in sales with an increase in stocks. This could be a harbinger of a significant deceleration in the production and the labor market, which until then often gladdened Canadian investors. Nevertheless, in preserving the position of oil, harriers still quite attractive for purchase on the decline.