Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Forex news:Merkel is pushing for the creation of the pact on competitiveness

Along with rising inflation in Asia and political instability in North Africa, has been essential in the minds of traders last week, European debt crisis somehow dropped out of sight of radar systems, at least for the moment. In turn, Germany Against this background, worked hard in many different activities designed to maintain the euro. According to an article in Der Speigel, published at the weekend, German Chancellor will try to enlist the support of the heads of the EU on Friday against "Pact konkurentosoposobnosti. The idea behind this pact means achieving greater monotony and integration of financial, economic and social policies among eurozone members, clearly aware that the affected nations are not able to pay off their debt without increasing their competitiveness. The proposed measures include harmonizing the retirement age and debt rules. At first glance, these proposals have their advantages, though they will be implemented remains to be seen.

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