Yields on bonds and stocks are rising. It is remarkable that on Friday there was another increase, both in bond yields and in share prices. Nowadays it is not uncommon - in recent weeks was plenty of evidence showing that investors withdraw huge sums from the bonds and increase its presence in the shares. Yield of U.S. 10-bee-entrance reached 3.46% on Friday, adding almost 100 points since early November when the Fed launched QE2. A 10-year German Bunds on Friday touched 3.2%, its highest level in 11 months and adding to the beginning of November 1980 bps Dax Index headed for its recent maximum value since mid-2008, while the S & P500 as well to a maximum of 2.5 years.
Monday, January 24, 2011
USD:A lot of data this week will be a test for the dollar
Yields on bonds and stocks are rising. It is remarkable that on Friday there was another increase, both in bond yields and in share prices. Nowadays it is not uncommon - in recent weeks was plenty of evidence showing that investors withdraw huge sums from the bonds and increase its presence in the shares. Yield of U.S. 10-bee-entrance reached 3.46% on Friday, adding almost 100 points since early November when the Fed launched QE2. A 10-year German Bunds on Friday touched 3.2%, its highest level in 11 months and adding to the beginning of November 1980 bps Dax Index headed for its recent maximum value since mid-2008, while the S & P500 as well to a maximum of 2.5 years.