unexpected and sometimes truly shocking case scenarios of global financial markets. This review is intended to predict the future in detail, and get investors to think and be prepared to act in critical situations.
Ten shocking predictions Saxo Bank »- an annual catch of black swans. The theory of "black swan, or possible accidents, explains the emergence and existence of rare, unpredictable and have the potential acute exposure events. In other words, shocking predictions of the bank - this is more assumption than unequivocal forecasts. The chance that these predictions come true, is not more than 50%.
Analysts Saxo Bank generally more pessimistic than the average financial analyst, and skepticism about the economic upturn since 2003. The bank believed that the financial system while not fully been cleaned up "tails", and low interest rates could lead to excessive speculation worse than during the dotcom bubble. Unfortunately, in 2008 confirmed their theory. While it may be, the bank has taken a frankly "bearish" position during this year, their view is that central banks in 2009 will continue to pursue a policy of low interest rates in a recession and falling consumer prices, as we see, turned out to be correct.
Saxo Bank believes that investors should always leave room for an unlikely, according to market developments, and it is a goal pursued new startling predictions that are part of the financial forecast Saxo Bank for 2010.